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Articles tagged with devonthink

November 7, 2008

DEVONthink 2.0 Spotlight: Beta Tester Community Seeded

I promised to keep you all updated on the progress we make with DEVONthink 2.0. Today I am proud to tell you that we have just seeded the very first beta of DEVONthink Pro Office 2.0 to the closed beta testers group. Some features are still missing, especially interface-wise, but it’s already stable enough and useable. And while we continue adding the planned functionality it’s now up to our great beta tester community to put it through its paces.

November 6, 2008

DEVONthink 2.0 Spotlight: Interactive Access via Browser

DEVONthink Pro Office 2.0 - what’s happening? Well, we hope to release very soon the first public beta but in the meantime here are a few prelims to whet the appetite!

This week: DEVONthink Pro Office 2.0 — built-in web server completely revamped. (more)

October 7, 2008

Use the Comment Field

If you want to add additional information to a document in DEVONthink, that’s what the Comment field is made for. You can find it in the info panel that opens with Tools > Show Info or by pressing Command-Shift-I (we didn’t choose Command-I like in the Finder as this would collide with ‘make selected text italic’). Best of all: Comments are searchable.

October 6, 2008

More on DEVONthink 2.0

It’s been a while since my last update on the development status of DEVONthink 2.0. We have continued to work on it silently but full steam ahead. We’re now very close to reaching the internal beta phase so I have posted a quick update to the development status thread in our announcement board.

September 25, 2008

Your Documents, Up in the Clouds?

There’s a lot of discussion about ‘cloud computing’ and storing your data ‘in the clouds’. Some new applications are based on this paradigm and are either built ‘in the cloud’ or use a servers cluster for synchronizing multiple clients and for giving web access to your data. While we clearly see the necessity for synchronizing a database between two or more Macs and maybe iPhones, we’re still unsure about what implications full web access to your documents has. My top issues are data integrity and data safety. (more)

September 23, 2008

Maintenance Updates

Just a quick note that we have published maintenance updates for all editions of DEVONthink as well as for DEVONnote. You can find all details on our news page as well as in our newsletter.

July 24, 2008

Image Capture Support is Back

Today we released DEVONthink Pro Office 1.5.3 as well as updates for DEVONthink Pro, DEVONthink Personal, and DEVONnote. We’re re-introducing Image Capture based scanning including grayscale and document feeder support so you now have the choice: Image Capture or TWAIN?