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17. Februar 2012

Make Your Mac Smarter

After Apple has, completely unexpectedly, released version 1.0 of a brand new app from us last week without any review delays and the update to version 1.1 yesterday we’ve finally officially announced it today. Meet DEVONsphere Express: the whole power of our unique artificial intelligence technology crammed into an easy-to-use app that sits in the menu bar and provides you with related data to whatever you’re working on. It’s like DEVONthink but without the need to keep you data in a database. (mehr)

20. Juli 2011

A Little Brother for DEVONagent

If you don’t need the full power of DEVONagent Pro or even just DEVONagent Express we have good news for you: We have submitted DEVONagent Lite to the Mac App Store today. It’s small, it’s convenient, and it’s free. (mehr)

20. Juli 2011

DEVONagent Grows Up

After seven months of public beta testing we have released DEVONagent 3.0 today. And because it’s the best (re)search assistant we’ve ever made we now call it DEVONagent Pro :-) We made it compatible to OS X 10.7 Lion, of course, support 64 bit mode, and have updated or rewritten all plugins. If you’re a JSTOR fan, SEC website user, or lawyer researching on LexisNexis: DEVONagent Pro supports them all now, too. (mehr)

24. Mai 2011

DEVONagent … Express!

While we’re still waiting for XMenu 1.9.3 to get approved, a brand new product of ours has just become available for unsanely cheap US $ 4.99 on the Mac App Store: DEVONagent Express.

It’s fast, easy-to-use (this time we mean it, really!), and definitely the most Mac-like way to search on the web. Don’t miss it; you could regret it. (mehr)

25. Februar 2011

And Another One …

… hits the Mac App store: EasyFind. It was a bit more struggle to get EasyFind through Apple’s review than DEVONnote but some minor changes did the trick. Click here or the icon to the right to download and install EasyFind with a single click from the Mac App Store. (mehr)

23. Februar 2011

Champagne, Garçon — DEVONnote in the Mac App Store

Some of you may have already asked whether DEVONtechnologies will make DEVONthink & Co. available on the new Mac App Store. We won’t — we already have now!

Apple had really given us a hard time. You all love our applications for their sophisticated functionality. Apple does not always, especially not when we are using functionality that Apple has not yet made publicly available to developers. But, here we are: DEVONnote has been approved tonight by Apple and is available for US $24.99 in the Productivity category on the App Store! (mehr)

16. Dezember 2010

Uncovered: DEVONagent 3.0

Right before Christmas we have uncovered an agent that worked (and has been worked on) in the underground for quite a while: DEVONagent 3.0. We have released the fully reworked version as a first public beta — with not as many more betas to come as for DEVONthink. Read more on the news page as well as on the DEVONagent 3.0 highlights page.

28. Oktober 2010

DEVONthink To Go is Available!

Apple is always good for a surprise. Last night Apple has finally approved and releasedDEVONthink To Go to the App Store. Our app for iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch is available now for US $14.99 worldwide. Champagne!!!

14. September 2010

First Peek: DEVONthink To Go Product Page is Online

Two weeks ago we have sent beta 10 to our beta tester community. Today we have officially released the DEVONthink To Go product page with a feature list, screen shots, and a short Getting Started guide. The product page also reflects the most current development status (now: in quality assurance testing) and App Store review status as soon as we have submitted the app to Apple.

31. August 2010

DEVONthink To Go Beta 10 Seeded

In case you are waiting for the release of DEVONthink To Go, our iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch companion to DEVONthink and DEVONnote: with Michael on board we have used the last four weeks for fixing all remaining issues making the app now as stable as we want it to be. So we have just seeded beta 10 to our closed team of beta testers with a long list of fixes and last-minute improvements. — and this is intended to be the last beta. So if all goes well we are now only running a few final tests and then push it to the App Store. We are firmly disposed to send version 1.0 to Apple earlier than later in September.