Devonian Times Masthead

Neues von DEVONtechnologies

24. August 2017

DEVONagent 3.9.8 with Better Search and Chrome Compatibility

We’ve not only updated DEVONthink and DEVONnote today)but also DEVONagent. DEVONagent Pro 3.9.8 enhances the Search mode for automatically searching sites. Both the Pro and Express editions improve their compatibility to Google Chrome bookmarks, and all three editions get some performance and reliability enhacements. (mehr)

24. August 2017

DEVONthink 2.9.15 with Rewritten PDF Sidebar

We’ve finally decided to replace the system PDF sidebar with our own code to fix some long-standing issues with macOS El Capitan and later. DEVONthink 2.9.15 brings a completely rewritten PDF sidebar that is not only more reliable than its macOS counterpart but also offers better clipboard, drag-and-drop, and keyboard navigation support. (mehr)

22. August 2017

Two For One Windows

Support tickets sometimes present new ideas. And sometimes they rekindle old ones from the back burner. I recently had a ticket from someone who wanted to open a document in two windows at once. So, about half an hour later, another custom AppleScript script was finished — one that would open the same document in two windows, placed side by side on the screen. (mehr)

15. August 2017

Quick Search in DEVONthink

There are times when you’re in need of searching your DEVONthink databases but don’t want to switch out of your current application or space. In System Preferences > Keyboard > Shortcuts > Services > Text, there is a service named DEVONthink Pro: Lookup… This will be active when you have some recognized text selected in a document. Selecting the service from the current application’s menu > Services will open a full search window with the search already completed. (mehr)

8. August 2017

Hotkey for Toggle Menus

A recent Twitter post asked a question about turning on and off the WebSharing server in DEVONthink Pro Office. It was assuming a need for an AppleScript or Keyboard Maestro routine. Well, it’s not AppleScriptable (outside of UI scripting, which I don’t advocate) and Keyboard Maestro is more than is needed for this task. (mehr)

1. August 2017

Deleting From Search Results

When using DEVONthink’s search features, the results are handled a bit differently than browsing the database. The results are insulated from accidental deletion by default. So what if you want to delete something from the search results? Here are three options: … (mehr)

19. Juli 2017

DEVONthink To Go 2.1.7: Usability and Automation Enhancements

Version 2.1.7 of DEVONthink To Go has just passed Apple’s review. It adds an option to clear the global inbox and makes the grid view available on all devices. The grid view lets you browse your document collection with larger previews and organize them with drag-and-drop, similar to the announced iOS 11. You activate the grid view by tapping the item count button of a group or by swiping right. (mehr)

13. Juli 2017

DEVONthink Pro Office 2.9.14 Fixes OCR Issue

Today we’ve released a bug-fix release for DEVONthink Pro Office. Version 2.9.14 fixes a random issue with the text recognition (OCR) as well as issues related to thumbnailing PDFs, exporting items, and synchronizing databases with indexed items. In addition it fixes an issue where the metadata entry panel didn’t close on computers with a Touch Bar. (mehr)

13. Juli 2017

Manually Update DEVONthink If It "Crashes" on Launch

Yesterday DEVONthink began to no longer launch for some people. The issue is related to an expired Apple provisioning profile and already hit many other applications earlier this year. Apple now provides profiles with a longer life period. This doesn’t do away with the problem forever but at least delays its next occurrence. (mehr)