Devonian Times Masthead

Neues von DEVONtechnologies

27. Mai 2011

First Update for DEVONagent Express

Just  a quick note that we have today submitted DEVONagent Express 3.0.1 to Apple with a number of bug fixes. Included are fixes for glitches in the user interface as well as for a bug that lets the app consume way to much CPU time when being used for a longer time.

26. Mai 2011

Assistant, Workspaces, Sorter, and More

As promised two days ago: We have more news this week. Today is the end of the DEVONacademy as we knew it. We have updated all tutorials, collected new scripts, templates, and plugins, moved all tips from my blog to a database, and integrated everything into an easy-to-use assistant that is now part of DEVONthink and DEVONnote, and soon also of DEVONagent. (mehr)

24. Mai 2011

DEVONagent … Express!

While we’re still waiting for XMenu 1.9.3 to get approved, a brand new product of ours has just become available for unsanely cheap US $ 4.99 on the Mac App Store: DEVONagent Express.

It’s fast, easy-to-use (this time we mean it, really!), and definitely the most Mac-like way to search on the web. Don’t miss it; you could regret it. (mehr)

24. Mai 2011

Run a Quick Search from Any App

DEVONagent 3 introduced a menu added to the right-hand side of the menu bar. Using this menu extra you can run quick searches directly from within any other app on your Mac and view the results right there in the menu, just like when using Spotlight. (mehr)

23. Mai 2011

Spider to Collect Sources

In his blog William J. Turkel writes about using ‘bots’ or ‘spiders’ to do the heavy-duty task of web searching for you:

Once you start collecting large numbers of digital sources by searching for them or using an information trapping strategy, you will find that you are often in the position of wanting to download a lot of files from a given site. Obviously you can click on the links one at a time to make local copies, but that loses one of the main advantages of working with computers–letting them do your work for you. […] In addition to writing my own spiders, I’ve used a number of these packages. Here I will describe DevonAgent. (mehr)

19. Mai 2011

Problems with DEVONthink To Go? We Need You!

In the recent one and a half months Jon, our new iOS developer, has worked himself through the code of DEVONthink To Go and fixed a number of nasty bugs making both the application and the sync more robust. In the coming months he will also replace the current sync code with a totally rewritten library (that e.g. will support MobileMe and Dropbox) as well as introduce new features such as file renaming, deleting, and moving on the device, better PDF support, and more. (mehr)

17. Mai 2011

Use the See-Also Sidebar

When browsing the web with DEVONagent try the See Also button (looks like the stovepipe hats that magicians use to conjure rabbits) on the right-hand side of the browser window’s toolbar. It opens a sidebar that shows related documents from DEVONagent’s own archive from open DEVONthink Pro (Office) databases, and from the web. (mehr)

10. Mai 2011

Use Keyboard Shortcuts

Everything on your Mac seems to be mouse-centric. But the Mac also features hundreds of useful keyboard shortcuts for accessing the menu bar and other clickables. In addition, many Emacs-compatible and almost unknown keyboard shortcuts work in every Cocoa application, e.g. Control-T for exchanging the character in front of the cursor with the one after the cursor or Control-K for deleting until the end of the line. (mehr)

27. April 2011

EasyFind and XMenu Updated

Today we have updated EasyFind to version 4.7.2 and XMenu to 1.9.3. We have added minor new functions, e.g. the possibility to drag search results with modifier keys pressed to the Finder to move, copy, or alias them. EasyFind also copes better with encodings and shows its name in Services menu entries. XMenu can be added to the startup items from its preferences, now, too.