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10. Juni 2010

ScanSnap S1500M Speed Demo

Mac user Boris Nienke has published a nice little video on his blog ‘nSonic’ where he shows how fast one gets rid of a 16-sheet paper document using the ScanSnap S1500M and DEVONthink Pro Office. His commentary is in German language but it might be worth watching even if you don’t understand German. Click here to watch it.

12. Mai 2010

Take Control of Permissions

When strange things happen on a Mac, like settings not being stored, license codes not being accepted, or DEVONthink databases behaving unexpectedly, file permissions could be the cause. UNIX permissions and Access Control Lists (ACLs) define what the logged-in user and the applications opened by her can do with items in the file system. If you want to learn more about permissions, have a look at Take Control’s new ebook Take Control of Permissions in Snow Leopard which explains this geeky subject in easy language and hands-on manner.

6. Mai 2010

The Apple Press on DEVONthink and the ScanSnap

On The Apple Press Philipp Eierund just published a very nice piece about The Mobile Mac Office, actually reviewing the combo of DEVONthink Pro Office and the Fujitsu ScanSnap S1300. He writes:

In conclusion, the results of the quick and reliable ScanSnap S1300 in combination with the feature-laden DEVONthink Professional Office are hard to beat. Once set up and configured to your liking it is possible and — perhaps even more importantly — fun to maintain a paperless office with minimal effort. […] So, do yourself a favor and get rid of the paper! (mehr)

4. Mai 2010

Use Fluid with DEVONthink Pro Office

Do you use Safari or Firefox to access your DEVONthink Pro Office databases through the built-in web server? Would you like to get a more ‘native application’ feeling? Fluid is a Mac application that creates site-specific browsers, basically special web browsers that are hard-wired to an entered address. For example the address of your shared DEVONthink Pro Office. Open this mini application and it will show a single, simple window for DEVONthink’s web interface that looks nearly like a true Mac application. (mehr)

29. April 2010

Advanced DEVONthink User Endorses Ebook

A few weeks ago Take Control Ebooks has published Take Control of Getting Started with DEVONthink 2, and ebook that complements DEVONthink’s built-in online documentation and helps you, well, getting started with our document and information manager. Here is a nice email we received from DEVONthink user Scott McGrath that I would like to share with you: … (mehr)

27. April 2010

First Day on the Balcony and a New Beta

Today I it was for the very first time this year warm and sunny enough for me to work on the balcony — the one balcony that gave this blog its name. People are sitting outside and are having a cup of coffee on my hometown’s market square. That’s how I should be! (mehr)

8. April 2010

Our AI is Good, But …

As you may know our support hero Bill DeVille lives in Brown County, Indiana, USA. On his numerous tours he likes to takes photographs. And this one I just had to post. Seems no matter how good our AI core will become, we have lost the game before it started 😉 … (mehr)

6. April 2010

Use Icons for Databases

You may know that you can paste icons onto documents and groups in DEVONthink to easier distinguish them: Copy any picture, then open the Info panel for the document or group (Tools > Show Info), select the icon, and paste your picture. What you may not know is that you can do the same with DEVONthink databases in nearly the same fashion. Copy the icon you would like to use to the clipboard, then select the database package in the Finder, open the Info panel (File > Get Info), select the icon field, and paste your picture.

1. April 2010

DEVONthink and Geo-Location Services

With the addition of simple geo-location support to our upcoming iPhone application (see: It’s Beta Time Again) and the rise of Facebook and Twitter, one of the next releases of DEVONthink will support geo-location and social network services, too. (mehr)