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Artikel mit dem Tag automation

20. Dezember 2011

Create Your Own HUD

Keyboard Maestro allows you to automate things in almost any Mac app and assign it a shortcut. Even cooler is that when you assign the same shortcut to multiple macros Keyboard Maestro shows a head-up display with a list of all macros with this shortcut for you to choose from. (mehr)

13. September 2011

Get Productive with a Tickler File

If you are using Getting Things Done (GTD) you know the concept of a “tickler file”: folders for all twelve months with sub-folders for each day of the month (also known as “43 folders”). You place documents into the sub-folder of the day on which you will need the document. If you want to postpone the task you move the document forward to another day. (mehr)

26. Juli 2011

Empty DEVONthink's Trash Automagically

Using Keyboard Maestro you can automate emptying DEVONthink’s trash including dismissing the confirmation dialog. For this create a new Keyboard Maestro macro with the following steps:

If you like the idea of automating things, you should have a look at Keyboard Maestro. (mehr)

5. Juli 2011

Use Reminders

Very often documents are connected to actions, e.g. “contact these guys”, “pay this bill”, or “discuss this with the team”. You can create a 43 folder setup in DEVONthink (see the “Getting Things Done” concept) to remind yourself of them or manually add tasks to your preferred calendar or task manager, e.g. iCal, OmniFocus, or Things. (mehr)

27. Juli 2010

Use Folder Actions

The folder actions scripts that we supply with DEVONthink Pro allow you to turn any folder, e.g. one on your Desktop, into a hot folder. To attach a script to a folder of your choice, do the following: … (mehr)

30. März 2010

Learn to Speak AppleScript

DEVONthink and DEVONagent are highly scriptable. Using AppleScript you can integrate them tightly into your workflow, automate tasks, or extend our applications with new functionality. AppleScript as a scripting language is not only powerful but also relatively easy to learn. Our power user Veritrope has published a series of excellent articles on his blog. Check them out. (mehr)