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Artikel mit dem Tag capture

7. September 2021

Wie Sie die Browser-Erweiterungen installieren

Browser-Symbolleiste mit Clipping-Symbol.

Beruflich und privat verbringen wir viel Zeit vor dem Bildschirm. Daher ist es wichtig, dass wir beim Stöbern interessante Dinge, die wir gefunden haben, schnell für später aufheben können. DEVONthink hat für diesen Zweck eine eigene Browsererweiterung. Hier erfahren Sie, wie Sie sie in den meisten gängigen Browsern installieren können. (mehr)

28. Mai 2021

The Sweet Setup über DEVONthink

Wohnzimmersituation mit einem MacBook, auf dem DEVONthink zu läuft.

The Sweet Setup ist eine der besten Webseiten für alle, die sich für Produktivität interessieren mit täglichen App-Besprechungen, Tipps und Onlinekursen. In einem aktuellen Artikel zeigt Josh Ginter, wie er DEVONthink und DEVONthink To Go verwendet, um PDFs zu ordnen und zu kommentieren. (mehr)

21. Oktober 2019

Clip to DEVONthink und Safari 13

Safari 13 no longer supports traditional browser extensions. With DEVONthink 3 we have rewritten the whole Clip to DEVONthink experience and integrated it into the application. But what if you’re not ready to upgrade yet? Don’t panic. Our browser extensions for Firefox and Chrome continue to work just fine. (mehr)

19. Juni 2018

Read It Later in DEVONthink

Sometimes you have a need to store a bookmark but have no time to read it now. One option is to use an online service like Pocket. Another option is to add the bookmarks to Safari’s Reading List. But maybe you want to keep these items in your DEVONthink database. Here’s one way to do it: … (mehr)

17. April 2018

What Did I Clip?

If you use our browser extension, Clip To DEVONthink, you’ll see a notification after a successful clip. If you check the Notification Center, the icon of three lines on the right side of the menubar at the top of your screen, you can see a record of those clips. Up to a week’s worth should be available to browse. In High Sierra, clicking on the message should open the record in DEVONthink. (mehr)

12. Oktober 2016

Clip To DEVONthink — in DEVONthink

Many people use the DEVONthink browser extensions to clip information from web pages into their DEVONthink databases. We have extensions (or add-ons, different name but the same thing) for Safari, Google Chrome, and Firefox. (mehr)

3. Mai 2016

Use Clip To DEVONthink with Opera

For those of you who are using the Opera browser for your web searching, it is possible to add our Clip to DEVONthink extension to it. We don’t have an Opera-specific version but with an Opera add-on, you can use the Chrome extension. (mehr)

10. November 2015

Cookies for DEVONthink

With apologies that the story won’t be as tasty as the title makes it sound.

With OS X El Capitan’s new views on ‘safety’, cookies are no longer shared between Safari and other applications. This can have an effect you might not expect. Even if you have logged in to your account in Safari, capturing a Readability page via the Clip to DEVONthink extension will not honor your choice of font and font size from your Readability account settings. Here is how you can set a per-application cookie for DEVONthink (using as the example). (mehr)

11. September 2013

When Chrome Doesn't Like Clip to DEVONthink

Even though Google Chrome probably shares more information with its maker than you like, it also does a lot to protect you from the (other) bad guys — and sometimes also the good ones. If our Clip to DEVONthink browser extension doesn’t seem to work in your copy of Chrome and just reloads the browser contents when you click its icon in the toolbar, here’s a possible cure: … (mehr)

16. Juli 2013

Clip to DEVONthink Updated for Retina Displays

Using the Clip to DEVONthink Safari extension you easily capture web pages to your DEVONthink database with a single click or keystroke. We have today updated the extension for Retina displays and corrected an issue that prevents the current version 1.2.1 from automatically updating itself. If you own a MacBook with Retina display this update is for you! (mehr)