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Artikel mit dem Tag devonthink

16. Juni 2015

Don't Use DEVONthink as a Junk Drawer

Sometimes, people do indiscriminate dumps (import or index) into DEVONthink or DEVONnote, imagining it to be a Finder or Spotlight replacement. This is really no more truly effective than the junk drawers we all inevitably have at home. And it leads to more false positives in searches and use of far more resources than it needs to. (mehr)

9. Juni 2015

Reindex E-Mail in DEVONthink Pro Office

Capturing email messages is one of the most common things people do with the Pro editions of DEVONthink. If you switch over to DEVONthink Pro Office at some point, the already imported email won’t be indexed, only newly imported messages. We show you how to reindex the older ones too. (mehr)

19. Mai 2015

DEVONthink and DEVONnote 2.8.5

E-Books, either as PDFs or ePub, establish themselves more and more for technical literature. Starting with version 2.8.5 DEVONthink indexes ePub and iBooks books natively and lets you convert them if you need to. Better annotations make working with PDFs more comfortable. And the faster and more secure web server lets you work better together with your coworkers stuck on Windows. (mehr)

28. April 2015

Use Dropbox to Sync with Friends

If you are collaborating with others and using Dropbox as a DEVONthink sync location (never putting your database in a Dropbox or automatically cloud-synced folder), it is not possible to sync between Dropbox accounts. This means you need to have a shared account where everyone using the sync data will need to know the name and password to access it. This can create a problem because you would be giving everyone access to the whole account! (mehr)

14. April 2015

Mac Power Users Episode 251

In their excellent podcast Mac Power Users, Katie Floyd and David Sparks talk about everything that helps you to become a true Mac power user. In episode 251 they are joined by Gabe Weatherhead to spend an information-packed hour purely on DEVONthink. Gabe is a long-time DEVONthink user and has also done a great a series of blog posts on our software. Thank you all three for this great show! (mehr)

14. April 2015

Use Item Links Effectively

DEVONthink allows you to get a URL for any document or group stored in your databases. Select the item, then choose Edit > Copy Item Link. Then paste this link into any other suitable application, e.g. the URL field of an appointment in Calendar, a website field in Contacts, or the notes field of an OmniFocus task. (mehr)

7. April 2015

Brett Terpstra and Joel Anderson talk about tagging

In episode 128 of Brett Terpstra’s podcast Systematic, Joel Anderson, research lecturer in Philosophy at Utrecht in the Netherlands, joins Brett to talk about tagging:

It’s a nerdy subject that a lot of non-nerds are asking about these days, and one that I personally find fascinating. I hope you’ll enjoy hearing two people who’ve dedicated time and research to the topic debate the major benefits and pitfalls of tag-based systems!” … (mehr)

31. März 2015

DEVONthink Gold Edition

With the Apple Watch comes not only the first wearable computing device that could reach the masses. There also comes the trend towards personalization. The Apple Watch Edition sets the new mark. Of course we don’t want to stand back and so we proudly present: DEVONthink Gold Edition. (mehr)

25. März 2015

I Am a Squirrel

Power knowledge worker Daniel Wessel calls himself “a squirrel”. He uses DEVONthink Pro Office to collect and organize everything from web pages to analog post cards. On his excellent web site Organizing Creativity Dan talks also about how he uses our flagship application: … (mehr)

24. März 2015

Manually Update a Table of Contents

Recently we have posted a tip abouthow to quickly create a table of contents). However, sometimes it’s necessary to update a table of contents manually. This short screen movie shows how it works. (mehr)