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Artikel mit dem Tag freeware

13. November 2013

Updates for EasyFind, ThumbsUp, and XMenu

We love the Mac and the Mac user community. Quality freeware is one of our ways to say thank you for your long-standing support! Today we have updated the find-file utility EasyFind, our image converter and thumbnail generator ThumbsUp, as well as the customizable menulet XMenu with new localizations, adjustments for Mavericks, and bug fixes. Visit the Download page or use the apps’ built-in Check for Updates if available.

23. April 2013

Spring Updates, Part Two

April 11 we updated DEVONthink and DEVONnote, this week it’s time for DEVONagent, DEVONsphere Express, EasyFind, PhotoStickies and XMenu. Enjoy new automation options in DEVONagent, search FoldingText files with DEVONsphere, and share files directly from EasyFind. (mehr)

4. Februar 2013

Grid is Now Open-Source

Recently we had to pull the freeware application Grid from the App Store. Grid allows you to position windows using your keyboard and an on-screen grid. Unfortunately Apple’s strict sandboxing rules no longer allow third-party apps access to e.g. the Accessibility kit which Grid needs to move the windows. (mehr)

29. Februar 2012

Spring Cleaning (Means: Updates, Updates, Updates)

Spring is in the air on the northern hemisphere, which means: time for some spring cleaning here at DEVONtechnologies: DEVONsphere Express is still new on the App Store and we’ve already submitted the second update. Not enough, we’ve also updated all our other applications, too, from DEVONthink and DEVONnote to DEVONagent and our freeware apps.

3. November 2011

One Day, Eight Updates, and a Brand New Freeware

It’s update season here at DEVONtechnologies — and you shouldn’t miss it! We have added new functionality and eye candy, made all apps faster and more reliable, and, of course, fixed dozens of bugs and glitches. And we have added a brand new freeware app: Grid!

15. August 2011

Use PhotoStickies to Stay Up-to-Date

If you want to take part in the financial market hysteria PhotoStickies can be of help: Find a good live ticket image you want to keep an eye on and open it as an image sticky in PhotoStickies. Now use some of the filters to make it transparent and move it to the background layer. Voilà. No more reason for staying calm just because you “don’t know”. (mehr)

10. August 2011

Compatibility Updates for Lion

Today we have released compatibility updates for DEVONnote, DEVONthink, EasyFind, and PhotoStickies that mainly fix compatibility issues on OS X 10.7 Lion. If you’re on Lion we highly recommend to install them.

27. Juli 2011

DEVONagent Express and PhotoStickies Passed the Review

Finally, three weeks after we have posted version 3.0.3 of DEVONagent Express to Apple for review the new release is finally available in the Mac App Store. You can download it through the App Store app (which sounds a bit like a hiccup, BTW).  And PhotoStickies has made it, too. That means that our first freeware application for the Mac ever released now also made the jump. Click here to get it.

20. Juli 2011

These Apps are Compatible to OS X 10.7 Lion

Today Apple released OS X 10.7 Lion to the App Store. And now you might wonder which of our apps are already Lion-compatible? Here’s the list or all apps that we have recently updated and tested for full compatibility with Apple’s brand new operating system: … (mehr)