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Neues von DEVONtechnologies

22. Mai 2014

DEVONthink 2.7.6 and DEVONsphere Express 1.7

Knowledge becomes more useful by sharing. DEVONnote and DEVONthink 2.7.6 make sharing your collected wisdom easier. Create a customized table of content for exporting your documents as a website or let DEVONthink make one up for you. Share documents by email easier than ever. (mehr)

19. Mai 2014

We're Opting Out of Google Analytics

In the last few years we used Google Analytics on our website. It helps us to learn more about our visitors, which pages they look at, and where they come from. But, being a Google product, Analytics also comes with many privacy concerns. Starting today we’ve removed all Analytics code from our website and replaced it with Matomo. (mehr)

16. Mai 2014

New Academic Templates

DEVONthink Pro Office power user Luc Beaulieu has created a few standard templates for some key academic activities: Research grants, research contracts, general research projects, new students, new manuscripts, and conferences. And this is how Luc’s workflow looks like: … (mehr)

13. Mai 2014

What's Your Favorite?

As you work in DEVONthink, you’ll come to find yourself going to the same places over and over again. It may be opening a certain database, working in a certain project, or other daily uses. These are perfect items to add to your Sidebar Favorites. (mehr)

12. Mai 2014

For Developers: Great Introduction to Git

Just in case you’re a developer like us and you still have troubles getting acquainted with the fabulous Git version control system: The Fournova people — good friends of us — have set up a great introduction to Git including learning ebooks, videos, and online trainings. Click here to check it out. 

29. April 2014

Manage Your E-Books in DEVONthink

Out-of-the-box DEVONthink displays and searches many file formats including PDF or Office documents. For files it doesn’t understand it uses Quick Look and Spotlight to make their proprietary content usable. With these two free plugins you can add the .epub file format to your system. As soon as you’ve installed the plugins, DEVONthink shows at least book covers, finds books by their content, and converts them to plain text. (mehr)

23. April 2014

New German-Language DEVONagent ebook

DEVONagent Pro is your personal assistant for pro-grade search and research on the Internet. While it uses public search engines it refines the results using its built-in artificial intelligence. It them presents them in innovative ways. (mehr)

22. April 2014

Find Indexed Instances

If you want to copy a database to an external drive it’s useful to know which items you have imported and which are just indexed. To find out in DEVONthink Pro or Pro Office, open the Search window (Tools > Search). Leave the query field blank, check Search for: All. Now click the Advanced button and enter these criteria: All of the following are true; Kind is Any Document; Instance is (not) Indexed. Click OK to start the search. (mehr)

17. April 2014

Spring Updates

Markdown has become a popular way for adding simple formatting to text without relying on platform-specific file formats. DEVONthink already supported plain Markdown. Starting with version 2.7.5 it now renders MultiMarkdown, too. For DEVONagent 3.8 we have updated almost all plugins and made many of them language-aware. But that not all, of course. We’ve cleaned up menus in all apps for more clarity, improved their reliability, and fixed a few bugs. (mehr)