Devonian Times Masthead

Neues von DEVONtechnologies

9. April 2014

Online Shop NOT Affected by "Heartbleed"

A few days ago a critical bug named Heartbleed was discovered in OpenSSL, the software that makes connections to websites secure. The bug affects more than half a million websites including companies such as Yahoo or Flickr. We have checked our own online shop and it is NOT affected by Heartbleed; Avangate, the company that runs our shop, confirmed this. (mehr)

8. April 2014

Online Backup with Arq and Amazon S3

Backups are something that every computer user is supposed to do but nobody really enjoys doing it. Apple’s Time Machine makes it a lot easier, at least when you have a second hard disk or a Time Capsule. However, if you’re like me and you don’t want to clutter your desk with yet another piece of hardware you might like Haystack Software’s Arq. (mehr)

1. April 2014

Your Data in the Cloud, Transparent and Free

Google has dramatically lowered the price for their web storage and so has Amazon.  However, cheap is not free. And free trumps, doesn’t it? Today we’re happy to announce our own cloud service: DEVONglass. Synchronize all your databases transparently between your Macs (and eventually also your iOS devices) completely free-of-cost, no matter how much data you have. To make this service possible we have partnered with governmental institutions in the US and, for our European customers, the UK. (mehr)

27. März 2014

Labels & Annotations: DEVONthink and DEVONnote 2.7.4

Colored labels are an easy way to mark files important to you since Apple introduced them with System 7 in 1991. Today we’ve released maintenance updates to DEVONthink and DEVONnote that give you more control over how they’re shown to you: by tinting as in the Classic days, as a bubble around the document name, or as a colored dot, Mavericks style. And that’s of course not all: We’ve enhanced PDF annotations, added support for AirMail, fixed some bugs, and more. (mehr)

11. März 2014

Squirrel It!

As the older among you may already know I cannot resist to sometimes post a nice comment we’ve received from a happy user. Last week the following message reached us:

Doing some work on an SMB server and we are having such difficulty finding anything. We tried bridge, even spotlighting the entire server. This is a Fortune 500 company and me and my boss gave up on IT and started using EasyFind. Just wanted to share my thanks and praise. We have started just saying, “Squirrel It” for short. Personally I would make a mini site off of “Squirrel It” but that’s just me. Thanks for your hard work. (mehr)

28. Februar 2014

Thank You, Akismet

From our blog dashboard. The spam queue is 14 days which makes 928 intercepted spam comments per day. I am more that happy with the Akismet spam protection service. (mehr)

18. Februar 2014

Move Items with the Keyboard

It’s very easy in DEVONthink Pro and Pro Office to move documents and groups from one place to another using the mouse. Dragging items between databases can be cumbersome if you have only one window open but then there’s still the Groups & Tags panel. (mehr)

13. Februar 2014

DEVONagent 3.7 with New Twitter Scanner and More

Social media becomes more and more important also for serious research. If it’s important someone probably tweeted about it somewhere. Today we’ve released DEVONagent Pro 3.7 that not only searches Twitter but also scans found pages for links containing Twitter IDs and reports them. It was never easier to find people on Twitter to follow for relevant news! In addition we’re updated (depending on the edition) more plugins, search sets, and scanners, improved the improved visual appearance, and fixed bugs. (mehr)

12. Februar 2014

The Day We Fight Back

We like the Internet and especially its openness. The latter, however, means also that everything that travels through it can be intercepted, stored, and analyzed. And we don’t like to be watched. We clearly support an open Internet free of mass surveillance. (mehr)

11. Februar 2014

Search for File Types in DEVONthink

Using the advanced search or smart groups you can filter out almost anything from your accumulated knowledge in DEVONthink. Out of the box you can e.g. get a list of all PDF documents in your database, or of all images. The selection here is not very granular, though. But you can easily locate documents using their file name. To find documents of a type not genuinely known to DEVONthink, say like Excel files, choose Filename ends in … xlsx. While the title of a document doesn’t show the file name extension that OS X needs to identify its type, the file name on your hard drive does.