Devonian Times Masthead

Neues von DEVONtechnologies

4. Februar 2014

* is Wild — Wildcards in DEVONthink

In DEVONthink and DEVONnote you have the ability to use use wildcards in a search term to do partial string matches. We hope this tip gives you some better ideas about how you can use wildcards to help your searches be more productive. (mehr)

28. Januar 2014

Dealing with Duplicates in DEVONthink

Duplicates in DEVONthink are great when you need them, not so great when you don’t. But how to track them down and get rid of them?

In your database you will find a built-in smart group, a purple folder with a gear icon on it, called Duplicates. Selecting this folder will show you the files that are duplicated. (Depending on your settings in Preferences > General, duplicate files may be shown in blue.) So how do you manage them? (mehr)

23. Januar 2014

DEVONthink and DEVONnote 2.7.3 Are Here

Today we’ve released a maintenance update for all editions of DEVONthink and DEVONnote. The new versions bring, depending on their edition, importing items from BareBones Yojimbo, faster and more reliable email archiving, performance enhancements, and bug fixes. (mehr)

23. Januar 2014

Pinboard Script Updated

If you are using the Pinboard script available through the Support Assistant for DEVONthink Pro (Office): We have fixed a bug and and updated script is now ready for downloading. To get the new version please simply open the Support Assistant, remove the old script, and re-install it.

21. Januar 2014

Connect to Server, XMenu-Style

If you find yourself needing to mount remote volumes fairly often, here’s handy way to do it from XMenu’s User-Defined menu instead of littering your Desktop with aliases.

First things first… in XMenu’s Preferences, you’ll need the User-Defined menu On. Also, you’ll need to mount a remote volume or machine and ideally be showing drive icons on your desktop. (mehr)

17. Januar 2014

More on Scotsman Cycling for ALD Center in Aberdeen

In summer 2013 we supported Fred Sarran’s great fundraising initiative Cycling for ALD (Adults with a Learning Disability). Fred cycled 450 miles in eleven days all around Scotland in support of the donations for Balnagask Court Arts, Crafts and Activities. (mehr)

14. Januar 2014

Outlining, DEVONstyle

There are times when making a nice orderly list is necessary. From creating a grocery list to outlining a story idea, they can be just what’s needed to keep things organized. But without a dedicated outliner, isn’t it just too hard to do in DEVONthink? Nope! Here’s how to do it in an RTF file. (mehr)

9. Januar 2014

Mac Power Users episode 169

David Sparks and Katie Floyd of Relay FMs’s Mac Power Users podcast talk about tools and workflows for professionals in episode 169 and also mention DEVONthink.

David and Katie talk to Dr. Jeffery Taekman, a physician, researcher and educator at Duke. Jeff takes us through his various workflows for getting work done in his profession including using his iPad in his medical practice. (mehr)

7. Januar 2014

Code Snippets, XMenu-Style

Sometimes writing AppleScripts is monotonous. You end up typing the same thing over and over again. To this end we can buy a snippet organizer or we could use XMenu to assist. Here are two ideas to speed things up: … (mehr)