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Articles in the category In the News

June 18, 2007

Eric on Ars Technica

Jon Stokes from Ars Technica talked to me about DEVONthink, about the built-in AI, and about where we’re heading. While I won’t say anything about unpublished products or release scheduled, you may find it worth noting that we are actually working on a new product ;-) Read the full interview here.

May 24, 2007

Bestseller Author likes DEVONthink

One of our users (thank you, Martin!) posted a few days ago that he notices that on the Author’s Note page (p. 414) in Michael Chabon’s new best seller novel, “The Yiddish Policemen’s Union,” Chabon writes: “This novel was written on Macintosh computers using Devonthink Pro and Nisus Writer Express.” Chabon won the Pulitzer Prize for fiction in 2001 for his novel “Kavalier & Clay.” As we’ve not sponsored Mr. Chabon for putting us in there, we’re more than honored for the mentioning. If you are interested, here’s a link to his novel at Amazon (no affiliate link, just for quick reference.)

April 30, 2007

My Digital Shoebox

Innowen from DIY Planner has published a nice review of DEVONthink Pro. She nicely describes how she uses DEVONthink but does also mention the downfalls for her. Here’s her conclusion:

That said, if you need an excellent all-in-one research assistant/personal information manager on your Macintosh system, then DEVONthink is the one for you. It’s fast, reliable, is able to index, cross-reference, search, handles almost all file formats natively and makes coffee for you in the morning (okay, it doesn’t… but DTPro could do that if it wanted to) … (more)

January 22, 2007

DEVONthink on Lifehacker

Lifehacker has posted a nice review, sort of, of DEVONthink with a good comments thread that also touches a few ways on how to use DEVONthink. Feel free to add your own comments :-)

November 3, 2006

"What If You Never Forgot Anything?"

Fast Company magazine published a fascinating article about inventions that help you remember everything, starting with Vannevar Bush’s Memex and ending with — DEVONthink! The article is not available online, but you can get a copy of Fast Company magazine issue November 2006 at your local newsstand, or you can contact the publisher here.

September 12, 2006

DEVONthink Pro Reviewed at MacResearch

Marc Coïsson from MacResearch has recently published a nice in-depth review of DEVONthink Professional, focussed on how to use it for scientific work. Thank you, Marc!

July 5, 2006

Eric on Computer America

On May 17th, I was interviewed by Craig Crossman and Carey Holzman on Computer America, “the US’ longest-runnning national radio talk show about computers.” I had to get up at 4.30 CET in the morning because Computer America is being broadcast live at 10 pm EST. But, what can you do. (more)