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Articles tagged with macos

August 26, 2024

Neo Network Utility 1.1

Screenshot of the Neo Network Utility main window and the settings window with the new IPv6 option.

Last month we released our little Neo Network Utility, bringing you some simple network diagnostics in a nice interface. Today we’re updating it to version 1.1 with IPv6 support, many quality-of-life enhancements, and bug fixes. (more)

July 10, 2024

Welcome (Back) Network Utility

Screenshot of the Neo Network Utility main window.

You want to learn more about your Mac’s current network connection or test if a remote server is still alive? You want to find out more about what detours your data packages take on their way through the internet? Or you just want to test your network speed? Our new, free Neo Network Utility got your covered. (more)

June 4, 2024

How to Use Global Inbox Aliases

Screenshot showing a Finder window with the alias of DEVONthink's Global Inbox.

DEVONthink’s Global Inbox is an ever-present database used as a temporary holding tank for items you’ll late file in other databases. Here is how you can add items to it more efficiently than merely drag and drop. (more)

May 7, 2024

How to Add Contextual Shortcuts

Screenshot showing shortcuts defined in the application custom shortcuts.

In macOS’ System Settings or Houdah CustomShortcuts, you can set up a keyboard shortcut to quickly open documents from DEVONthink in a specific application. Here is, how to set up the very same keyboard shortcut for different file types. (more)

February 27, 2024

A Word About Software Updates

Screenshot showing a beta notification in macOS' system settings.

When Apple announces their latest operating system, it may be tempting to jump right on it. But is that the best idea? Here are our recommendations. (more)

January 23, 2024

How to Rebuild an Apple Mail Mailbox

Screenshot showing the mailbox Rebuild command in Apple Mail.

If you are dragging and dropping emails from Apple Mail into DEVONthink, you may see a message in our Log window that importing a message failed. Here’s something you can try to resolve the issue. (more)

November 28, 2023

How to Use Universal Control

Image of an iPad and a Mac side-by-side.

If you use a Mac and an iPad at the same time, Universal Control allows you to control both devices from a single keyboard and mouse or trackpad. You can use both devices perfectly together while retaining their individual capabilities. Here we’ll show you this feature. (more)

November 21, 2023

How to Change an App's Language

Screenshot showing the language preferences in macOS' settings.

If an application has translated its interface into another language, you can choose the language in which it is used. DEVONthink is, e.g., available in English, French, and German. Here is, how you can easily change an app’s language on the Mac. (more)

September 19, 2023

A Relaxing Way to Work

Picture of a student sitting at her desk and with headphones on.

No matter how much you may enjoy your work, sometimes it’s just stressful underneath the surface. One option for relieving a little stress from your day that works for us are relaxing background sounds. Here are some options to explore. (more)

September 12, 2023

Where to Store Your Databases

Screenshot showing database files stored in the Finder.

When you create a DEVONthink database, you need to save it to a specific location. In principle, there are many options here. Some are good, some others rather not. Here are the advocated options and things you need to know. (more)