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Articles in the category Tips

January 3, 2023

How to Use the Apple Pencil

Screenshot showing a pdf in DEVONthink To Go with annotations.

With the Apple Pencil, you can draw, paint, or turn your iPad into a digital notebook that you can write in by hand. The Apple Pencil is a constant companion for many users and DEVONthink To Go offers some ways to use it as well. Here are a few suggestions. (more)

December 20, 2022

How to Make A Desktop Slideshow

Screenshot showing an open dialog from Photostickies.

We all have many pictures, records of our lives to look back on. On your Mac, they usually sit in some folder, somewhat forgotten as you gather more and more. But if you’d have some you’d like to see more often, here’s how to create a desktop slideshow with our freeware application PhotoStickies. (more)

December 13, 2022

How to Use the Graph View

Screenshot showing the graph view in a DEVONthink window.

Sometimes a visualization is helpful to see the connections between things, e.g., between different documents. One of our intrepid community members created a script for DEVONthink that allows you to generate a network graph showing interconnecting links between documents. Here is a brief overview. (more)

December 6, 2022

How to Use DEVONagent's Browser

Screenshot, showing a browser window in DEVONagent Pro 3.

Our intelligent search assistant DEVONagent can be used for all kinds of searches on the web, searching several search engines simultaneously for the best results. But besides searching, DEVONagent also has a built-in web browser. And while it doesn’t support browser extensions, it does have some nice tricks up its sleeve. Here are a few. (more)

November 29, 2022

How to Use Annotations on the Mac

Screenshot showing the Annotations & Reminders inspector in DEVONthink 3.

Annotations are text documents in DEVONthink that are attached to another document, for example a PDF. They are a simple but powerful tool for making notes about a document and can therefore be used for everything from research to schoolwork to journaling and more. Here’s an introduction, or a refresher. (more)

November 22, 2022

How to Use Geolocations on iOS

Screenshot showing the geolocation in the Info pop-up in DEVONthink To Go.

When you’re out and about roaming the big, beautiful world, you might want to keep track of where you’ve been. Or perhaps you’d like to know where you’ve made a note or created a document. With the release of DEVONthink To Go 3.6, we extended the support for geolocations. Here are the improvements. (more)

November 15, 2022

How to Install the Import & OCR Rule

Screenshot showing a group in DEVONthink containing an imported scan.

There are various ways to merge individual work steps into a workflow and execute them automatically. One option is to use the smart rules in DEVONthink. Now we have created the smart rule Import & OCR, which lets you easily import scans and make them searchable. Here you will find out how to set up and use the rule. (more)

November 8, 2022

How to Create Favorites for EasyFind

Screenshot showing the Locations drop-down menu in EasyFind.

Besides our commercial products, we also offer some needful things for free, such as EasyFind. It’s a powerful tool to search for files and folders by name, content, tags, or Finder comments. If you have locations you commonly search, here’s a method to create favorite locations in EasyFind. (more)

November 2, 2022

How to Use Lock Screen Shortcuts

Screenshot showing the iOS lockscreen with custom shortcuts.

For some time now, scripting has been a way on the Mac to automate certain workflows. Thanks to Apple’s application Shortcuts, workflows can meanwhile also be automated on your iPhone or iPad and then executed at the touch of a button. If you have a few commonly used shortcuts, there is a very handy iOS 16 utility to give you access to them on your iPhone’s lock screen: LockFlow. (more)

October 25, 2022

How to Change Views in DEVONthink

Screenshot showing the view icons and a document thumbnail in DEVONthink.

In every DEVONthink main window, there is a pane that shows the contents of the current location. This is the item list. Similar to the view options in the Finder, the item list supports four view options, from more technical to more visual views. Here are the views and some notes about their behavior. (more)