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Articles in the category Tips

June 16, 2020

Smart Groups in DEVONthink To Go

One of the features in DEVONthink on the Mac that is on our future enhancement list but not not yet implemented in DEVONthink To Go, is local smart groups. But that doesn’t mean there are no smart groups available. (more)

June 9, 2020

How to Quickly Present Documents

There may be times when you need to show a quick presentation. But maybe you don’t have the time to generate files to be used in an application like Keynote or PowerPoint. If you ever have the need to create a simple ad-hoc slideshow, DEVONthink may be of use. (more)

June 2, 2020

A Desktop Pond

Many people have found benefit in watching fish in aquariums or ponds. The gentle movement and quiet sounds can provide a very calming effect. Wouldn’t it be nice to sit pond-side no matter where your computer is? Koi Pond 3D for macOS may be just what you need. (more)

May 19, 2020

DEVONagent in the Menubar

In the DEVONagent line of products, we have two utilities: DEVONagent Express and DEVONagent Lite. These are both menubar applications that allow for quick web searches when you don’t need the full power of DEVONagent Pro. (more)

March 24, 2020

Using Our Tools in the Pandemic

COVID-19 is everywhere, in the news, blogs, podcasts, but also quite literally. We’re all giving our best to adjust our lives to the new rules that will impact our societies for quite some time. We don’t want to give you yet another list of tips for how to work from home. Instead, we asked our user community how they use our products to cope with the current situation. (more)

March 17, 2020

How to Split a PDF

There are times when you may need to split a PDF in DEVONthink into smaller documents. Here are a few ways to do it. (more)

March 10, 2020

Take a Break: JustFocus

All too often we find ourselves busier than we intended to be that day. Fires to be put out. Spontaneous projects landing on our desks. Cramming for a test. JustFocus is a beautifully designed freeware application for the Mac to help find some balance in your work. (more)

February 24, 2020

Using DEVONthink with Hook

Screenshot showing Hook's user interface

Hook for Mac allows you to create links for many different types of files and web pages. In the same sense, DEVONthink offers item links for linking from inside or outside of the application to documents or groups in your databases. Recently, our friends at CogSci have improved Hook’s integration with DEVONthink and show in a mini tutorial, how to use the two apps together for maximum productivity. (more)

January 28, 2020

How to Print Multiple Documents

If you use File > Print in DEVONthink, it will print what is shown in the selected pane. For example, if you have the groups list selected, it will print the groups as displayed; if you select a document, it will print the contents of the document. However, you cannot select multiple documents and print them — but this old trick still works well. (more)

January 22, 2020

How to Keep Your Data Private

An article published yesterday by Reuters casts a shadow on Apple’s commitment on privacy and encryption. We tell you how to keep your data out of iCloud backups, encrypt databases, and synchronize them securely. (more)