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Articles in the category Tips

July 16, 2019

Building the Perfect Database

One of the requests we occasionally receive is: “Tell me how to create and set up my database in DEVONthink.” This seems like a simple enough question to answer, but in truth, it is not. While creating a database can be as simple as choosing File > New Database, the simplicity ends with structuring the database. (more)

July 9, 2019

Find Those Keyboard Shortcuts

Keyboard shortcuts (or hotkeys) are a great way to add a little efficiency to your computer use. CheatSheet is a great little utility from Media Atelier that shows a list of shortcuts for the active application when you press and hold the Command key down. (more)

July 4, 2019

Check the OCR Accuracy

OCR is a technology that examines the pixels in an image and tries to determine what alphabetical characters they are. These characters are then put into a layer of text underneath the original image so the file appears unchanged but is now searchable. You can estimate the accuracy of the OCR by selecting the PDF and looking at the concordance. (more)

June 4, 2019

Of Licenses and Seats

With DEVONthink 3 we’ve introduced new server-based licenses with a seats model and easier-to-use license codes. Now, why should we bore you with talk about … license codes? Whenever you change something questions come up. We’d like to answer them here in a findable place. (more)

May 28, 2019

How to Use Your Customer Account

With the relaunch of our website we also turned the existing customer records into real accounts. As a customer you can view your personal details, check your student/educator status, manage your newsletter subscription, view license codes, manage your devices, and buy upgrades. Here’s how you use it. (more)

May 21, 2019

Manually Declutter a Web Page

With so many people and companies trying to monetize the web, many pages we visit are overloaded with ads and clickbait links to drive traffic to other sites. Not only is it annoying to look at online, but also adds junk data to our databases when we clip these pages into DEVONthink. Our browser extension, Clip to DEVONthink, has an option to use a clutter-free layout. This does its best to extract the article from the current page. But what about pages you may have already clipped? (more)

January 24, 2019

Give DEVONthink Full Disk Access

DEVONtechnologies’ applications can interact with your system and other applications to create a interconnected computing experience. In Apple’s parlance, “It just works”. Or should I say, “It just worked”? To increase security in macOS Mojave, Apple has decided people need to give more permission to applications that want to access certain kinds of data on your machine. As of this writing, the protected areas are: Mail, Messages, Safari, Home, and Time Machine. (more)

January 8, 2019

Organize Your Apps

One great feature of macOS is virtual desktops that Apple refers to as Spaces. Especially useful on laptops with their limited screen space, these allow you to have multiple screens to organize your applications. Check out System Preferences > Mission Control for options. (more)

December 19, 2018

Add with the Proxy Icon

Say you are working on a saved document in an application on your Mac and suddenly feel the need to add it to your DEVONthink database. You can close the document, locate the file, and drag it into the database. Or you can drag the proxy icon. But what’s the proxy icon? It’s the icon next to the title at the top of the window in many macOS applications. Just click-and-hold it (it will turn grey to show it’s selected), then drag away. (more)

December 4, 2018

DEVONthink and Spotlight

There are times people want to use Apple’s Spotlight to search for a file in a DEVONthink database. Without going too deeply in technical matters, Spotlight doesn’t index inside the type of file a DEVONthink database is. Due to this, we use a technique to write out some of the metadata for Spotlight to index. (more)