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Articles in the category Updates

August 14, 2012

DEVONagent for Mountain Lion

Last week we have tamed the Mountain Lion with DEVONthink and DEVONnote 2.4, this week it’s the turn of DEVONagent to pass the Gatekeeper. That being not enough, version 3.3 of DEVONagent Pro carries support for Notification Center and the new Sharing Services in its bag. Share found results with one click via iMessage, Mail, Twitter, Facebook, or Airdrop or add them to Safari’s Reading List. Notifications let you know when a lengthy search run is done. (more)

August 13, 2012

Chrome Extension Updated

In the recent releases of Chrome Google has tightened the security for installed extensions. We have just updated our Chrome extension to work with the latest version of Chrome. Visit the Chrome Web Store to install the Clip to DEVONthink extension or use the Chrome extension preferences page to update your existing copy.

August 9, 2012

DEVONthink and DEVONnote Updated for Mountain Lion

The mountain lion is roaring and we all have heard its call. The update to version 2.4 tames the cat for all editions of DEVONthink and DEVONnote and feeds it with support for Notification Center and the new sharing services. Share documents with one click via iMessage, Mail, Twitter, Facebook, or Airdrop or add them to Safari’s Reading List. The update also brings a completely rewritten scan feature that’s available for DEVONthink Personal and Pro, too. And, of course, we have improved many other details and fixed bugs. (more)

May 30, 2012

DEVONsphere Express is Coming Home

We promised to offer all our commercial apps also in our own online shop. Today we kept the promise by adding DEVONsphere Express to our shop and making a free trial version available as we do for all our apps. Version 1.5 brings also additional enhancements and bug fixes. If you purchased your copy in the Mac App Store and ran version 1.4 or later at least once you can also replace your copy with one downloaded from our website. It will happily accept the existing Mac App Store receipt as a valid license.

May 24, 2012

Tutorials, Mail Rules, Bug Fixes: DEVONthink and DEVONnote 2.3.5

You didn’t know that there are step-by-step tutorials available right from inside our apps? You’re not alone and so we have made them more visible in DEVONthink and DEVONnote 2.3.5 with a large button on the welcome screen and their own menu command in the Help menu. And if you fight the email flood with Apple Mail rules, you’ll like our new scripts for automatically archiving email attachments. Once set up you can email documents to yourself and have them automagically added to your inbox — and you have full control over which messages are processed and which not. (more)

April 19, 2012

Updates for DEVONthink and DEVONnote

We have just updated all editions of DEVONthink as well as DEVONnote to version 2.3.4 with a number of little enhancements and bug fixes. Better integration of DEVONthink Pro Office with ExactScan Pro, updated scripts for import email messages to DEVONthink Pro, and a new Activity panel listing currently running background processes such as updating news feeds or synchronizing databases. Use the apps’ built-in upgrade function or download the new versions from our Download page.

April 6, 2012

DEVONthink To Go 1.2.5 Submitted

While DEVONthink To Go is already on the OP table, prepared for the forthcoming transition to the new sync technology, we have just pushed a minor update to version 1.2.5 to Apple for review. The update brings updated graphics for the iPad 3 Retina display, continues to record voice notes when the device is locked, and fixes a number of bugs. (more)

February 29, 2012

Spring Cleaning (Means: Updates, Updates, Updates)

Spring is in the air on the northern hemisphere, which means: time for some spring cleaning here at DEVONtechnologies: DEVONsphere Express is still new on the App Store and we’ve already submitted the second update. Not enough, we’ve also updated all our other applications, too, from DEVONthink and DEVONnote to DEVONagent and our freeware apps.