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Articles in the category Updates

March 30, 2011

DEVONagent, Now Always at Your Service

Do you also use the Google search field in Safari just because it is there, but you know that you would have better used DEVONagent? No more. DEVONagent 3.0 public beta 3 adds a menu extra to the right-hand side of the menu bar with a Spotlight-like menu that lets you (re-)search the Web from anywhere on your Mac. Click (or press the hotkey), enter your search term, and press Return. All results appear directly in the menu and you can open them in your web browser (or DEVONagent) with another click .You will love it!

March 17, 2011

Updatemania @ DEVONtechnologies

Updates! We cannot get enough of them. And so we created a whole bunch of updates for you: DEVONthink, DEVONnote, DEVONthink To Go, EasyFind, and XMenu — with cool new features and tons of bug fixes. Especially when you’re using DEVONthink To Go you will like what we have submitted to Apple today. It’s not only much more robust, it also comes with voice and video notes now.

February 3, 2011


In the last two weeks we have installed a brand new customer database server and updated all self-service forms in our support area. Everything from trial extensions to upgrade requests is connect live to the database now — no more waiting for email. (more)

December 13, 2010

DEVONthink To Go 1.0.2 Submitted to App Store

Today we have submitted DEVONthink To Go 1.0.2 to Apple for App Store review. The new version comes with tons of bug fixes for the synchronization as we as for the overall stability. As promised we are ironing out the most pressing problems with every 1.0.x release now while preparing a larger 1.1 release with completely revisited inner mechanics and new features in early 2011. The update will show up automatically on your device as soon as it has been approved by Apple.

November 17, 2010

Bug fixes for DEVONthink To Go & Better Spotlight Integration

Just a quick note that we have today released version 2.0.6 of all editions of DEVONthink and of DEVONnote. The update fixes bugs, e.g. the ‘Sync group missing’ bug that affected only some Macs but not all of them. It also brings better integration with Spotlight and improves the overall performance. Use your applications’ built-in update function or download the new versions on our Download page. (more)

November 16, 2010

DEVONthink To Go 1.0.1 Submitted to App Store

We have just submitted the first update of DEVONthink To Go to version 1.0.1 to Apple for App Store review. The updated fixes a number of crashes and glitches including the crashes when navigating back from the Search screen as well as the non-functioning Cancel button on the Sync screen. The update will show up automatically on your device as soon as it has been approved by Apple. (more)

November 11, 2010

Day of the Freeware @ DEVONtechnologies

Our freeware offerings have always been our way to say ‘thank you!’ to the greatest user community of all: you, the Mac users. And so we will continue to maintain and further improve EasyFind & Co. and offer them for free to all Mac users. Like today. (more)

September 29, 2010

DEVONthink and DEVONnote Updated to 2.0.5

Just a quick note that we have today released version 2.0.5 of all editions of DEVONthink and of DEVONnote. The update adds, e.g., drag-and-drop support for images to the Take Note window, and if you have a trackpad that supports multi-finger gestures you can now also zoom in and out of images and PDFs with your fingers. We have fixed a few bugs, too. Use your applications’ built-in update function or download the new versions on our download page. (more)

September 22, 2010

Prepared for DEVONthink To Go: DEVONthink and DEVONnote 2.0.4

Today we have released version 2.0.4 of all editions of DEVONthink as well as of DEVONnote. The new releases of DEVONthink and DEVONnote have been prepared to work with the upcoming DEVONthink To Go for iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch as well as with DEVONagent 2.5. In addition they come with many more minor improvements and bug fixes.

August 16, 2010

Clip to DEVONthink Updated — Firefox Inclusive

We have just updated the Clip to DEVONthink Safari extension and bookmarklet to version 1.1. The new version fixes a number of bugs, e.g. adding parts of the bookmarklet code when printing a web page as well as a bug preventing log-ins to password-protected web sites. If Safari does not offer you the update, please visit the Download Extras page and download the latest version. The bookmarklet is always loaded ‘live’ and so up-to-date when you use it the next time. (more)