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The DEVONtechnologies Blog

June 9, 2023

Jeffrey Taekman's Zettelkasten

Illustration of a library Zettelkasten next to a laptop.

One way of working that is often discussed is the Zettelkasten method. DEVONthink user Jeffrey Taekman, M.D., gives us an insight into his workflow on his blog and shows how he uses DEVONthink to build and manage his digital Zettelkasten. (more)

June 6, 2023

How to Quickly Access Documents

Screenshot showing the Go To Document popover in DEVONthink.

As you’re working with DEVONthink, you may need to open another document from time to time. For this, DEVONthink offers several ways for quickly accessing documents, like the Favorites. If it’s not something you want to add as a favorite, here’s another quick way to open a document. (more)

June 1, 2023

DEVONthink To Go 3.7

Screenshot showing a Markdown document being edited and a menu listing possible WikiLink targets.

Our update for DEVONthink To Go today brings support for WikiLinks as well as cross-platform support for various kinds of item links. It also shows PDFs inline in RTF documents and scans text directly into Markdown and text documents. Select all items in a list with a new button and do more with search results. (more)

May 31, 2023

DEVONthink 3.9.1

Screenshot showing the preferences window of DEVONthink.

Today’s maintenance update for DEVONthink for Mac adds support for squiggly underline PDF annotations, moving lines in text documents via keyboard commands, and a new placeholder for inserting hashtags into templates. We’ve also improved the strict duplicate detection as well as searching via the web interface. (more)

May 30, 2023

How to Import Copies of Emails

Screenshot showing replicated emails in DEVONthink.

Users of the Pro or Server edition of DEVONthink can archive email into their databases. But per database, only one copy of any message. If an email exists in multiple copies in your email account, this can lead to complications. Here is why and how you easily get around it. (more)

May 26, 2023

Scan with DEVONthink

Screenshot of the DEVONthink Support Assistant showing the scanning tutorial.

The Pro and Server editions of DEVONthink have scanner controls built in, making it capable of scanning directly into your databases in a focused and efficient manner. We’ve added a new tutorial for you which shows you step-by-step how that works. (more)

May 24, 2023

How to Use Duplicates and Replicants

Screenshot showing a duplicated and a replicated document in DEVONthink.

There are several reasons to make a copy of a document, e.g., for safety, or because the document could actually belong in multiple locations in your databases. DEVONthink and DEVONthink To Go support two types of copies: duplicates and replicants. Here’s what they are and how to make them. (more)

May 16, 2023

How to Search by Content in EasyFind

Screenshot showing the settings drawer in EasyFind.

If you need to locate files in the Finder, our freeware application EasyFind is a specialized tool for fine-tuned searches. However, some people are confused when they don’t get the results they’re expecting. File types are the typical culprit. (more)

May 6, 2023

How to Switch from Apple Notes

Screenshot showing the import menu in DEVONthink.

A popular application for making notes is Apple Notes. But maybe you would like to transfer your notes to DEVONthink, individual notes or all? While there isn’t a way to sync your notes with DEVONthink, here are a few options for copying your notes into our application. (more)

May 3, 2023

How to Switch from Evernote

Image showing an elephant walking away and a DEVONthink icon in the foreground.

Over the years, we have had many people migrate to DEVONthink for one reason or another. One application people have switched from is Evernote. If you are considering making such a move, here is how to switch and what to expect. (more)