There are many ways to scan documents with your iPhone. But what’s the easiest way to get scans from your favorite scanning app into DEVONthink To Go without the hassle of moving documents around? Here we show you how to scan directly into your database. (more)
Tomorrow is Thanksgiving, a time for families to gather, feast, and reflect on their blessings. And it also a great time to get ready for the coming year. Only from Black Friday through Cyber Monday, we give 25 percent discount on all our software products and ebooks. (more)
Tags can be very effective for organizing your databases. But it is often tedious to assign them to each document by hand, isn’t it? That’s why DEVONthink and DEVONthink To Go can dynamically add and remove tags to objects. Here are two options for dynamic tagging. (more)
With these updates we’ve focused on improving search efficiency, user experience, and privacy. DEVONagent enhances result filtering and performance, while DEVONsphere adds dark mode support and privacy controls. (more)
Would you like to share your search results from DEVONagent with others or use them in another application? You can export the results in various forms and formats to use them as you wish. Here is, how to do this. (more)
You have probably already seen the different icons in DEVONthink, for example a little speech bubble or a Finder icon next to a document. But what do these symbols mean? Here is, what the iconology in DEVONthink is all about. (more)
The University of Texas at San Antonio has created a research guide for DEVONthink, explaining the basics and a lot of features that are particularly useful for academic work. But it is also a great source for anyone who wants to work effectively with DEVONthink. (more)
Thinking about making your automations in DEVONthink more dynamic using variable values? Combine smart rules or batch processing with metadata you’ve defined yourself. We show you an example how this could work. (more)
Apple presented their new iMacs this week and we made it into the presentation! If you take a careful look at the video, you can spot the DEVONthink icon. But what could this be about? (more)
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