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Articles tagged with automation

November 10, 2020

How to Organize with Smart Rules

Groups of web clippings

One of the powerful new features in DEVONthink is smart rules. An extension of smart groups, they allow you to act on the matched item when certain events happen. Since capturing web content to DEVONthink is a common task, here’s an example to show how to use smart rules to dynamically organize web clippings. (more)

June 13, 2018

DEVONthink To Go 2.6.2 Brings Enhancements and Fixes

Last night our latest maintenance update for DEVONthink To Go has passed Apple’s review. Version 2.6.2 allows settings flags and labels using URL commands, removes path extensions from the name of files imported from, e.g., the Files app, and warns before adding a database with pending items to a new sync location. In addition the update fixes bugs and improves the overall stability and reliability. (more)

August 22, 2017

Two For One Windows

Support tickets sometimes present new ideas. And sometimes they rekindle old ones from the back burner. I recently had a ticket from someone who wanted to open a document in two windows at once. So, about half an hour later, another custom AppleScript script was finished — one that would open the same document in two windows, placed side by side on the screen. (more)

July 19, 2017

DEVONthink To Go 2.1.7: Usability and Automation Enhancements

Version 2.1.7 of DEVONthink To Go has just passed Apple’s review. It adds an option to clear the global inbox and makes the grid view available on all devices. The grid view lets you browse your document collection with larger previews and organize them with drag-and-drop, similar to the announced iOS 11. You activate the grid view by tapping the item count button of a group or by swiping right. (more)

January 17, 2017

Batch Print E-Mail Messages to PDF

DEVONthink Pro Office stores email messages in their original formats. If you want to keep your messages in an easier to handle file format one option is to ‘print’ them to PDF and keep the PDF instead. Converting hundreds or even thousands of messages manually is a painful process, however. But, as long as Apple hasn’t killed Mac automation, there’s a solution for this: … (more)

October 21, 2014

Index iCloud Drive with DEVONthink Pro (Office)

iCloud Drive is Apple’s reincarnation of the iDisk. Install the Index iCloud Drive script to add all user-created folders in iCloud Drive to your inbox. User-created means all folders that are not application-specific such as the Numbers of Pages folders. (more)

August 19, 2014

Save Tabs to DEVONthink with these Scripts

DEVONthink power user Veritrope has created two new scripts that creates a list of all the pages currently open in tabs in Safari or Chrome. So with a single click you have saved all your tabs in a single HTML document in DEVONthink Pro (Office) and you can re-visit the pages later at any time. Download the Safari script and the Chrome script from his homepage. Veritrope has many more scripts and tips for dealing with browser tabs.