DEVONthink To Go 2.1.5 was first with an update, today it’s the turn of DEVONthink, DEVONagent, and DEVONnote to receive an overhaul.
DEVONthink Pro and Pro Office 2.9.12 allow you to copy a universal URL for databases. Previously item links were only available for groups and documents. Link to other documents or to resources such as images and CSS files from Markdown documents with absolute paths too. Zoom or rotate images with trackpad gestures, set a reminder to a custom date, and access the subgroups of your Favorites in contextual, action, or popup menus. Finally, DEVONthink and DEVONnote 2.9.12 let you zoom in and out of web pages with gestures. (more)
As some of you may know, DEVONagent Pro is the second flagship in our product line. As very powerful web search assistant with powerful search and scheduling tools, it can aid you in your online research. But, it’s a heavy hammer to swing if you’re just in need of a quick online search tool with more capabilities than a simple Google search. If that’s your need, take a look at DEVONagent Express. (more)
Today everything revolves around research! We’ve updated all three editions of DEVONagent as well as DEVONsphere Express with support for new search engines and file formats.
DEVONagent now searches using StartPage, scans all bookmarks in DEVONthink, and brings new options for automatically filing found results in your research database. But even if you use DEVONagent Pro’s internal archive, this release is for you: Version 3.9.6 returns more comprehensive search results by finding terms across all metadata fields. (more)
Two weeks ago we have updated DEVONthink for macOS Sierra and DEVONthink To Go for iOS 10; this week it’s DEVONagent’s turn with a maintenance update.
Version 3.9.5 of all editions of DEVONagent received fixes for minor issues with Apple’s latest desktop operating system. In addition they now support the privacy-minded search engine Qwant and search Google Scholar better. As always we’re thrown a lot more into the basket, from more accurate ad filtering to updated scanner plugins and better interoperability with other applications. (more)
Today’s update for all editions of DEVONagent brings updated plugins and search sets. Better filters improve your search experience. They thin out advertising, analytics, trackers, and links to translation services more accurately so you don’t have to. (more)
DEVONthink is, in my ways, the epitome of the ideal info dump. You can drag pretty much any kind of file into the app and it will make sense of it. […] DEVONthink’s secret weapon: the “See Also & Classify” function. When you select an item in your DEVONthink database and enable See Also & Classify, you will see a dossier of items which relate to whatever you’ve selected. This can include any file type. It’s a game-changer. (more)
OS X El Capitan adds some technologies for enhanced security and DEVONagent 3.9.3 adds the necessary support for it. We’ve fixed a few bugs related to El Capitan, too. That being not enough we’ve added three scripts to DEVONagent Pro that integrate it better with Safari. It also plays videos fullscreen now. (more)
Whether it’s high school or university, there’s always a lot going on. And regardless if you are a parent or a student, you want to keep up on the goings-on at school. RSS is a simple technology (called a “feed”) that lets you collect news without visiting web pages manually. DEVONthink Pro and Pro Office allow you to add RSS feeds to a database and can help keep you up to date. (more)
Just after we updated DEVONthink for OS X El Capitan, here are now the maintenance updates for DEVONagent and DEVONsphere Express. They improve the compatibility to Apple’s latest and greatest operating system for the Mac. (more)
You’re doing a job that needs a lot of digging around, and you are building up research, you are building up data about a topic. You’re doing a job where a simple search is not enough: you need to analyze the results you get. — DevonAgentPro analyzes.” … (more)
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