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Articles tagged with devonthink to go

June 8, 2022

How to Use Sync Locations

Screenshot, showing the sync settings in DEVONthink 3

When it comes to syncing DEVONthink or DEVONthink To Go, people are sometimes unsure of how to set up sync locations. If you’re using an iCloud sync, there’s only one option: all databases sync to one location. But if you’re using another sync option, you may want to approach it differently. (more)

May 31, 2022

How to Use Shallow Sync

Screenshot showing the Information menu of a database in DEVONthink To Go

Mobile devices have come a long way. They’re surely more powerful than they used to be with increasing amounts of storage capacity. However, not all devices have a large amount of available space. This can pose a problem when trying to import and sync your DEVONthink To Go databases. Here are some things to consider in this situation. (more)

May 25, 2022

DEVONthink To Go 3.5

Screenshot showing a Markdown document being edited in DEVONthink To Go and the key commands overlay.

This update for DEVONthink To Go brings a new text editor for plain text, Markdown, RTF, and the HTML-based formatted notes. Other enhancements include a three-column layout, more keyboard commands, and new PDF view options. The update also improves the overall performance and reliability. (more)

May 17, 2022

Understanding DEVONthink's Trash

Screenshot showing the trash in DEVONthink To Go

Building a database is similar to setting up an office or furnishing a room. One important, though not glamorous, item is the trash: a place to put unwanted items. DEVONthink and DEVONthink To Go databases also have per-database trashes for the same purpose. Here’s how to access and use them. (more)

April 19, 2022

How to Fix the Create Item Shortcut

Screenshot showing the file selection menu in Shortcuts.

If you are among the DEVONthink To Go users inclined toward automation, you may have run into an issue with the Create Item Shortcut action. In some cases, it seems you can only select a static file, not pass input from a previous action. Here’s a workaround for that. (more)

April 5, 2022

How to Use Multiple Windows on iOS

Screenshot of the iPadOS window switcher with two open DEVONthink To Go windows.

For some time now, DEVONthink To Go has supported opening multiple windows in iPadOS, e.g., when you long-press an item and choose Open in New Window. But windows on mobile aren’t as obvious as they are in macOS. Here are a few ways to access and interact with these windows. (more)

March 8, 2022

How to Remove Databases from Sync

Screenshot showing how to cleane a database from a sync store in DEVONthink To Go.

In DEVONthink and DEVONthink To Go, it’s easy to make as many databases as you’d like. However, there are times when you’ve made and synced databases you now deleted or perhaps just no longer want to sync but the unwanted databases keep showing up in the sync location. Here’s how to get rid of them. (more)

February 15, 2022

Surviving in the Age of Surveillance

Symbolic picture of a quadcopter with a spy camera attached.

On his blog, David Sparks a.k.a. MacSparky paints a dark picture of an age of mass surveillance. And David is right. We can only watch out and base our decisions what products to use and which services to trust on smart choices. Here are some of our thoughts and two links. (more)

February 8, 2022

Understanding PDF Page Numbering

PDF page folio and page number on thumbnail.

In DEVONthink and DEVONthink To Go you can copy page links in a PDF. These item links allow you to jump to a specific page in the PDF. But sometimes the number in the item link is wrong… isn’t it? Or you may manually add a page parameter but it isn’t jumping to the correct page!? Here’s how PDF pages and the item link parameter work. (more)

January 25, 2022

Assessing Your Computing Habits

Desk with computer, hands writing notes.

From time to time it’s a good idea to examine one’s habits and databases in DEVONthink and DEVONthink To Go. Here are some things to think about… (more)