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Articles tagged with devonthink to go

July 22, 2021

Summer Updates

It’s July already and so time for a round of summer updates. Here are new releases of DEVONagent, DEVONsphere Express, and DEVONthink To Go with improvements and bug fixes. Here’s what’s new. (more)

July 6, 2021

Volume Purchase Program?

Since we released DEVONthink To Go 3.0 we received the question about how to buy the app as a student or educator. In the world of the App Store this is only possible via the Volume Purchase Program (VPP). We would like to know if you are a member of the VPP and if buying via the VPP would be (or would have been) an option for you. (more)

June 15, 2021

Get Item Links with Bubble Gum

Screenshot showing the Bubble Gum menu.

Scotty Jackson, co-host of the excellent productivity podcast Nested Folders, which unfortunately closed its doors in January 2023, has created a great iOS shortcut named Bubble Gum for quickly searching for materials and copying links to them to the clipboard. It supports a growing list of apps including DEVONthink To Go. Check it out. (more)

May 17, 2021

DEVONthink To Go 3.1

New Document Assistant showing a list of predefined PDF templates.

Apparently it’s still rain season in Europe, so we are using our indoor hours for working on our apps. Here’s version 3.1 of DEVONthink To Go. It brings new features and improvements ranging from more accurate OCR and new supported languages to PDF templates, new keyboard commands, and much improved Markdown rendering. (more)

April 27, 2021

Link OmniFocus and DEVONthink

Screenshot of the Learn OmniFocus website.

For many of you OmniFocus is a natural choice for managing your to-dos and projects. The folks running the great tutorial website Learn OmniFocus have updated their mini tutorial on how to integrate DEVONthink with OmniFocus. (more)

April 26, 2021

New Tutorial for DEVONthink To Go

Screenshot of QuickTime Player with ScreenCastsOnline video playing.

The great people at ScreenCastsOnline produced a new introduction tutorial for DEVONthink To Go. In his 35 minute video, Todd Olthoff touches all aspects of DEVONthink To Go, guides you through the interface, and explains every element in detail. (more)

April 16, 2021

DEVONthink To Go 3.0.6

Context menu with Verify & Repair command.

Today’s maintenance update for DEVONthink To Go 3.0 lets you open databases and smart groups in a new window on iPad. It also improves clipping to Markdown, makes verifying and repairing databases smarter, and brings important bug fixes. (more)

April 13, 2021

How to Create a Note with Shortcuts

Note in DEVONthink To Go with multiple images

From time to time we get an inquiry about creating notes with multiple images in DEVONthink To Go. Since Markdown is a mobile-native format, I suggested and built an iOS Shortcut as a starting point. (more)

March 30, 2021

DEVONthink To Go 3.0.5

Context menu with Create Thumbnail command.

Since we published DEVONthink To Go 3.0 in February four maintenance updates for it have already seen the light. Today we updated our iOS app again. Version 3.0.5 brings performance and reliability enhancements. (more)