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Articles tagged with devonthink

January 9, 2014

Mac Power Users episode 169

David Sparks and Katie Floyd of Relay FMs’s Mac Power Users podcast talk about tools and workflows for professionals in episode 169 and also mention DEVONthink.

David and Katie talk to Dr. Jeffery Taekman, a physician, researcher and educator at Duke. Jeff takes us through his various workflows for getting work done in his profession including using his iPad in his medical practice. (more)

December 10, 2013

Get Started with Tutorials and Help Files

DEVONthink and DEVONagent are extremely feature-rich and deep applications, harder to master than, say, a simple to-do list app. But they come with an extensive documentation and many slideshow and video tutorials for many everyday tasks from ‘How to set up a first database’ to ‘How to use DEVONthink in a team’. We explain, e.g., the various options for sharing your knowledge, show you the pros and cons of importing vs. indexing, and give valuable tips. (more)

December 6, 2013

DEVONthink 2.7.2 in the App Store Now

After over a year Apple has finally reviewed and approved the latest update to DEVONthink Personal for the App Store. For a long time DEVONthink in the App Store stayed at version 2.3.4 whereas on our website we were already at 2.7.2. The reason: shortly after we released version 2.3.4, Apple required all applications in the App Store to implement a technology called “sandboxing”. (more)

October 29, 2013

Labels with Keyboard Shortcuts

This tip comes from a question on our Facebook page: ‘Hi Guys, is it possible to assign an keyboard shortcut to a label? For example: If I press ⌘1 the first label is assigned to the current list entry?’ (Thanks, Christoph Jeschke!). Yes it is! Here’s the step-by-step… … (more)

October 24, 2013

DEVONthink 2.7.1 Fixes Sorter and DEVONthink To Go Sync Bug

Last week we released DEVONthink and DEVONnote 2.7 with exciting new features such as encrypted synchronization. Unfortunately the update also “featured” two hindering issues: When the Sorter starts after logging in, e.g. after a system restart, DEVONthink itself opens in addition to the Sorter. And if your Mac runs OS X 10.6.x or 10.7.x, DEVONthink is no longer visible to DEVONthink To Go on your Wi-Fi network. (more)

October 19, 2013

DEVONthink Launching at Login, iOS Sync Broken on OS X 10.6/7

The recent update of DEVONthink to version 2.7 unfortunately brought not only many improvements but also two cumbersome bugs: When the Sorter starts after logging in, e.g. after a system restart, DEVONthink itself opens instead of the Sorter. And if your Mac runs OS X 10.6.x or 10.7.x, DEVONthink is no longer visible to DEVONthink To Go on your Wi-Fi network. Sorry for these inconveniences. Expect a bugfix release shortly.

October 16, 2013

Mavericks, Encrypted Sync Stores, and Markdown

We have just released DEVONthink (all editions) and DEVONnote 2.7 with great new features and improvements. DEVONthink 2.7 now encrypts all metadata and all contents stored in remote sync locations such as Dropbox, WebDAV, or AFP. No other document management app on the Mac gives you so much flexibility and control over you data! (more)

September 17, 2013

Create Custom Forms with Google Drive

If you have a Google account and access to Google Drive, create a form there. (I’ll leave the how-to on that to your own research. It’s not difficult.) “Share” the form so that you get the link to the form, and create a bookmark in DEVONthink for that form. When forms are created in Google Drive, you have the option to create a spreadsheet there to collect the responses. Do so, then navigate to that spreadsheet and grab the link for it. Create a second bookmark in DEVONthink for the spreadsheet. (more)