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Articles tagged with freeware

April 27, 2011

EasyFind and XMenu Updated

Today we have updated EasyFind to version 4.7.2 and XMenu to 1.9.3. We have added minor new functions, e.g. the possibility to drag search results with modifier keys pressed to the Finder to move, copy, or alias them. EasyFind also copes better with encodings and shows its name in Services menu entries. XMenu can be added to the startup items from its preferences, now, too.

March 17, 2011

Updatemania @ DEVONtechnologies

Updates! We cannot get enough of them. And so we created a whole bunch of updates for you: DEVONthink, DEVONnote, DEVONthink To Go, EasyFind, and XMenu — with cool new features and tons of bug fixes. Especially when you’re using DEVONthink To Go you will like what we have submitted to Apple today. It’s not only much more robust, it also comes with voice and video notes now.

February 25, 2011

And Another One …

… hits the Mac App store: EasyFind. It was a bit more struggle to get EasyFind through Apple’s review than DEVONnote but some minor changes did the trick. Click here or the icon to the right to download and install EasyFind with a single click from the Mac App Store. (more)

November 17, 2010

Bug fixes for DEVONthink To Go & Better Spotlight Integration

Just a quick note that we have today released version 2.0.6 of all editions of DEVONthink and of DEVONnote. The update fixes bugs, e.g. the ‘Sync group missing’ bug that affected only some Macs but not all of them. It also brings better integration with Spotlight and improves the overall performance. Use your applications’ built-in update function or download the new versions on our Download page. (more)

November 11, 2010

Day of the Freeware @ DEVONtechnologies

Our freeware offerings have always been our way to say ‘thank you!’ to the greatest user community of all: you, the Mac users. And so we will continue to maintain and further improve EasyFind & Co. and offer them for free to all Mac users. Like today. (more)

August 18, 2009

Use the Services Menu

The Services menu is one of the most underestimated features of Mac OS X. It provides useful commands that work from within almost any application on the Mac without hacking them (unlike, say, contextual menu items which run inside another application’s memory space and so can crash it). Both DEVONthink and DEVONagent provide useful commands which allow, e.g., to quickly clip selected text to your database, summarize text, or run a web search. In addition we provide useful Services menu plugins as freeware.

July 9, 2009

Silent Update for EasyFind for Mac OS X 10.4

EasyFind 4.5 as released yesterday had problems running on Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger. We fixed the problem by removing the new toolbar when EasyFind is started on Mac OS X 10.4. If you have this problem, please simply re-download EasyFind from our download page and replace your copy with the silently updated one.

July 8, 2009

EasyFind and XMenu Updated

Just a quick note that we have just updated our freeware apps EasyFind and XMenu. Personally I like especially XMenu’s new Snippets menu that allows me to store text snippets and URLs and quickly insert them into a new email message or any other text I am writing.

December 19, 2007

Christmas Updates: Turn on the Spotlight!

EasyFind, PhotoStickies, ThumbsUp, and XMenu. XMenu is becoming even more useful now with the switch from folder menus in the Dock to stacks in Leopard. 

October 24, 2007

A Few More Fall Updates

To finish our Fall updatemania, we have just posted new, universal binaries of BlueService, CalcService, HotService, PDF2RTFService, and WordService. Phew, done! See our news page for more information on the updates.