Getting your articles from Instapaper to DEVONthink automatically isn’t straightforward, unfortunately. Power user and former DEVONtechnologies crew member Annard Brouwer has written a great little script that takes a CSV file exported from Instapaper, converts it using Numbers, and imports the cleaned up result to DEVONthink Pro or Pro Office. (more)
DEVONthink and Bookends work nicely together: DEVONthink Pro and up come with a smart template for quickly linking to references in Bookends, accept references dragged over from your collection, and Bookends can store “item links” for any document in DEVONthink. Just recently Sonny Software released Bookends 12 with an exciting set of new features. Check it out! (more)
For bookmarks DEVONthink shows the linked web page immediately when you select it in any view that has a preview pane, e.g. in Split view. And as Google Docs is just a web page you can add it to DEVONthink just like any other bookmark. Select it and DEVONthink shows the complete Google Docs editor just like as if it was a local document. (more)
If you like our mail rule scripts for emailing yourself documents and adding them to your DEVONthink inbox or databases, you will like this new script even more. Add it to a rule in Apple Mail and give the rule a distinct name. The messages will get files into a group of the rule’s name in DEVONthink’s global inbox and all attachments in a group with the message’s name. (more)
Keyboard Maestro allows you to automate things in almost any Mac app and assign it a shortcut. Even cooler is that when you assign the same shortcut to multiple macros Keyboard Maestro shows a head-up display with a list of all macros with this shortcut for you to choose from. (more)
Cool tip from one of our users: the US $1.99 app TurboScan turns your iPhone into a mobile scanner. Using the Open in… mechanism you can even send the created PDFs to DEVONthink To Go.
Using Keyboard Maestro you can automate emptying DEVONthink’s trash including dismissing the confirmation dialog. For this create a new Keyboard Maestro macro with the following steps:
If you like the idea of automating things, you should have a look at Keyboard Maestro. (more)
After Yahoo!’s announcement to sell quite a few people were looking for a safer home for their bookmarks. And found Pinboard. If you are among them you may like the following script by Rafael Bugajewski which imports your Pinboard bookmarks into DEVONthink. Click here to download the script.
DEVONthink Pro comes with smart templates for integrating bibliographic data from Sente 6 as notes. Power user and scripter Rob Trew has published an additional script that sends selected notes to DEVONthink including attachments. (more)
The German software manufactory Soma-Zone has recently released Ammonite, a stand-alone third-party addition to DEVONthink Pro (and Pro Office, of course) that shows a tag cloud for any open database in a floating panel. From their web site: … (more)
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