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Articles tagged with tool tip

December 13, 2016

Free Your Menubar with Bartender

While we rely on our big powerhouse applications like DEVONthink, there are many smaller utilities we use for specialized purposes. However, this has lead to our menubars becoming increasingly crowded. Especially on a smaller screen, like a MacBook Air’s, this leads to the utilities’ icons being hidden from view. Enter Bartender. (more)

October 5, 2016

Convert E-Books to PDF

ePub and Mobi (the Kindle format) are solid file formats for electronic books. But they are harder to handle than, e.g., PDF or plain text as they are designed for reading on an ebook reader. They are not really suited for using them inside other applications or for long-term archiving. (more)

January 13, 2015

Extract Highlighted Text from PDFs

If you are working at lot with PDF annotations the Mac application Highlights is for you. You can use it not only to manipulate annotations but also to extract annotations from documents and send them directly to DEVONthink Pro (Office). In addition it offers plenty of more export options including sharing annotations by email and saving them as Markdown. (more)

July 23, 2014

Tower 2

Our good friends from Fournova in Stuttgart, Germany, have released the brand new version 2.0 of their Git client Tower. We use Tower ourselves for our code repositories and I’ve been beta-testing Tower 2 for a couple of weeks now. If you’re a developer you should definitely check it out.

May 12, 2014

For Developers: Great Introduction to Git

Just in case you’re a developer like us and you still have troubles getting acquainted with the fabulous Git version control system: The Fournova people — good friends of us — have set up a great introduction to Git including learning ebooks, videos, and online trainings. Click here to check it out. 

April 29, 2014

Manage Your E-Books in DEVONthink

Out-of-the-box DEVONthink displays and searches many file formats including PDF or Office documents. For files it doesn’t understand it uses Quick Look and Spotlight to make their proprietary content usable. With these two free plugins you can add the .epub file format to your system. As soon as you’ve installed the plugins, DEVONthink shows at least book covers, finds books by their content, and converts them to plain text. (more)

April 8, 2014

Online Backup with Arq and Amazon S3

Backups are something that every computer user is supposed to do but nobody really enjoys doing it. Apple’s Time Machine makes it a lot easier, at least when you have a second hard disk or a Time Capsule. However, if you’re like me and you don’t want to clutter your desk with yet another piece of hardware you might like Haystack Software’s Arq. (more)

March 12, 2012

Clean Up Web Pages Before Printing

If you’re often “printing” web pages as PDF to your DEVONthink database, you might enjoy the following hack: The little bookmarklet switches a web page shown in your web browser (definitely works with Safari and Firefox) to design mode, making it possible to edit it on the fly before printing. Edit as you like, the changes are, of course, not saved to the originating web server. Don’t worry, reloading the page brings it back in all its beauty. (more)