July 30, 2024
How to Clip in Google Chrome
![Screenshot showing a section of a Google Chrome window with the extensions popover opened containing Clip to DEVONthink.](https://mail.devontechnologies.com/media/pages/blog/20240730-clip-to-devonthink-google-chrome/2521803883-1722323429/clipto-chrome.jpg)
If you are using Google’s Chrome browser and want to clip content into DEVONthink, here is how to install and configure our browser extension. (more)
If you are using Google’s Chrome browser and want to clip content into DEVONthink, here is how to install and configure our browser extension. (more)
DEVONthink databases are created to hold a large number of documents, so robustness is paramount. In addition to that, DEVONthink has a few build-in commands to check and keep your databases healthy. Here is, how to use them. (more)
Scanning documents is a much needed function for many people, but you might not have a scanner available. If you have an iPhone or iPad connected to the same Apple Account as your Mac, you can use it to scan directly into DEVONthink’s Global Inbox. We show you how. (more)
You want to learn more about your Mac’s current network connection or test if a remote server is still alive? You want to find out more about what detours your data packages take on their way through the internet? Or you just want to test your network speed? Our new, free Neo Network Utility got your covered. (more)
If you have a need to watermark or put identifying information on PDFs or images, the Pro and Server editions of DEVONthink can do this for you. It’s called imprinting and we show you how you set up and use it. (more)
The Sorter lets you easily clip interesting or important content to DEVONthink, the Websharing interface of DEVONthink Server makes your databases available to other users on the local network. We created two new tutorials for you to show you how to use them. (more)
For many people, our freeware utility XMenu is a must-have on their Macs, an app launcher and snippet library always available from the menu bar. For anyone unfamiliar with it, here’s a brief introduction to it. (more)
Various types of documents can contain links, for example a saved web page, or a note with an URL or an email address. In DEVONthink you don’t have to search your document by hand for them because there is an inspector just for this. Here is, how that works. (more)
With a little delay, the warm days of summer have finally arrived. We are enjoying the bright and mild evenings outside, and, for many years now, we get together with friends all over the world and celebrate our traditional SummerFest. Get DEVONthink and DEVONagent Pro for 25% off directly at the workshop gate and have a look at the other SummerFest apps with a similar discount. (more)
When working with a PDF, you may have marked it up with some annotations. If you would now like to share this PDF with someone, you might prefer to have a clean version of the document. Here we show you how to get this in DEVONthink and DEVONthink To Go. (more)